
Typhoon and Ministry Update

It has been an incredible blessing to see God move through the many tests encountered pre and post typhoon. God’s Word reminds us to take joy in face of various tests and trials. At Hope for the Island, we do rejoice because God is at work. We never walk through any trial alone and in them we discover God’s good purposes.

The initial week after the typhoon, communication was down and we had no contact with our team. Thankfully, we met someone online who was in our village at the time of the typhoon and found a way to travel off island to gather needed supplies. We saw pictures and heard reports of mass destruction and despair. We were able to act quick, sending funds to buy emergency items for the community and our team. For many weeks most donated supplies were held up, while people were exposed to bad weather without shelter. People suffered from hunger, dehydration and disease.

Thankfully, most people came through the typhoon without serious injury or death. Everyone tirelessly worked to retrieve anything salvageable that didn’t get destroyed from wind and tidal waves. Our team though traumatized and distraught themselves, prayed that God would use them to be salt and light at their darkest hour.

We were able to organize a second truck filled with emergency supplies of food, water, tarps and meds bound for Burgos. This is the town where Hope for the Island was established and the location super typhoon RAI made landfall. Due to extensive damage and road blocks, the north remained isolated for too long. Thankfully the aid supplies once held up started to make there way into areas not yet reached.

Consistent heavy rains continued weeks after the typhoon, triggering trauma and anxiety. Sadly, many temporary shelters were blown away from north winds and torrential rains that continued.

Churches we connected with in other parts of the Philippines organized themselves to send relief teams to minister to our crew at Hope for the island and come alongside them to serve the community! The mission team along with all who have donated, have been an incredible blessing and comfort to those afflicted. The local mission team has now come and gone twice with supplies. They came with readied hearts to serve! The team is currently on island with another truck load of supplies and serving well. Hot meals, food packs, meds and clothing are distributed daily. In each area visited, people eagerly gather ready and open to hear the Word of God and receive counsel and prayer!

Each day is filled with unique opportunities to be comforted by God and bring comfort and strength to others (2Cor:1:3-4) With 90% of the island destroyed, it will be a long time before significant progress is made. It can be overwhelming if we get caught up in the emotions that come with such a daunting task, yet each day God is moving and good things are happening as the community comes together!

Please remain steadfast in prayer! Support is still needed to keep pace serving the many needs around us. Donations to rebuild Hope for the island are also being received at this time.