
Prison Ministry

From Jennifer Villarde (Jing),

This is our team that goes to the jail every second Monday of the month. This is a ministry that started over Christmas when God burdened our hearts to love and bless the prisoners.  It was a moving experience that led to regular prison visits. We worship with the prisoners and are allowed to share the word of God and pray over them. The prisoners have a lot of fun after when we do activities to see what they received from the word of God. Those who answer get vouchers to buy needed toiletries.  

Most of the prisoners have never had a visit from their family.  They are lonely and suffering health problems because the jail does not provide hygiene products.  We so look forward to our visits unlike the beginning days where fear would creep in.  The inmates are happy to see us each time.  They are responding to God’s love and compassion. They feel encouraged and special to know we care enough to keep coming back.  They especially anticipate hearing the Word and being prayed for. 

One prisoner had been suffering for months with horrible bed sores.  We used donated Polysporin antibacterial ointment to treat wounds and almost all of his open wounds are healing!

Recently 2 prisoners finished their sentence and were released.  They sent us an update on how they are doing.  One of them sought out the Christian church in his village. It was a place he once avoided in search of trouble. The other got home and found his wife had left him. He returned to his home place and instead of reacting in anger he too chose to plug into a local church to stay on the right path. It is encouraging seeing lives being changed and freedom coming to those once enslaved in darkness!! 

Over the month of March and April, Eli and Anna (American couple in back row) served as interns with Hope for the Island.  They joined in on our prison outreach and other ministries.

Note: Picture cannot be taken inside of jail or with the prisoners.