They Now Have Shoes








December was an exciting time for the local kids in a very small community close to Hope for the Island.  A shoe company (Tom’s) contacted us asking us if there were kids in our community or surrounding areas that needed shoes. We immediately replied that most kids don’t have shoes and it would be a huge blessing for them to receive a free pair of shoes. Before long we had a shipment of brand new shoes for many children!!

Nermalyn and Ken from HOPE rode the motor bike down the winding dirt rode to San Mateo, the village we had chosen to bless. They had the joy of telling the children that shoes had arrived for them. There was disbelief on their faces as they heard the news that they would be blessed with free shoes! As always we want to make sure we are sharing God’s Word at every opportunity. Nermalyn shared with the eager children that God also gave them a free gift. She told them that God sent His son to die on the cross for the sins of the world because He loved us so much. She unfolded the gospel for them. Some were hearing it for the first time, but all listened intently.  After the message, singing and games each child lined up to try on a new pair of shoes. What an exciting day!!!!