
March 2025 Update:

Our team at Hope for the Island (HOPE) are thankful for God’s sustaining grace and guidance in what has been a busy start to 2025. Thank you so much to all who faithfully uphold the ministry and our team in prayer and support!

As believers in Christ, we are called through God’s word to be conformed into the image of Christ (Rom 8:29). To grow in Christlikeness is only possible when we abide in and heed His word. HOPE family Bible study each morning is a great way for our team to meditate on and encourage each other in truth. These daily studies keep us strengthened in faith and where we come to know Gods will for us in Christ. It is always a joy to share these times with visitors and missions teams who come in to serve with us.

YWAM Maui DTS students spent Dec 2024 to Feb 2025 with us at HOPE. Great relationships were established and many ministry memories formed together. Each mission team serving with us has an opportunity to grow further in their knowledge of God’s word and to do so learning and applying it in a cross-cultural context alongside our local missionary team.

Here is what one of the team members shared after leaving:

“For our YWAM team it was an immense privilege to step into the ministries at Hope for the Island, and to see the great work God is doing on Siargao Island. We immediately felt so welcome and at home with the Ates and Kuyas (Hope staff). They helped us be the most effective we could be in sharing God’s love. We especially loved seeing the impact on the kids throughout the town as they came to kids ministries every week and visited us at the base frequently. Our team also got to see some of the incredible work done with the widows and widowers of Burgos, how Hope staff have made such intentional connections with them and allowed us to step in and encourage these Nanays and Tatays with God’s word and His great love for them”-Lizzie

Days after the YWAM team left us, we were again blessed to receive a team of 4 from Living Hope Church. Richard and Carrie have returned with 2 young adults Terry and Jaime. Mutual blessing comes in so many ways from these short-term team visits.

Our Abilities Club is developing now that we have dedicated Social Workers helping cater to the complex needs. This program began to provide support to families we know with neurodiverse and disabled children. In years past, there has been little to no education or support for these families. We have increased our support to include therapeutic approaches, individualized care and case management. Medical referrals have been an answer to prayer and helping with long overdue medical checkups and prescribed care. The most significant part is the spiritual component to any of our mercy focused ministries. Sharing God’s powerful living word always accomplishes what God intends and purposes (Is 55:11). Our time sharing God’s word with the parents and care givers comes after all the activities and a shared meal together. Please pray for all those involved in Abilities Club.

Challenges and deep struggles are faced by people of all walks of life. The gospel is the power of God that saves and transforms lives (Rom 1:10). It is for this reason that our entire team is enrolled in biblical counselling training. The depth of study is helping us learn a lot and be better equipped. We have already completed module 1 and starting module 2 this week.

Although this is a long commitment and adding extra demand to our busy schedule, we are finding the training incredibly valuable and a necessity for anyone wanting to minister to others. Biblical counseling is the focus of learning Jenn shifted to in pursuit of her degree. With a desire to be a trained counsellor, it was an easy shift because we can personally attest to the impact Gods word has had in the face of our own battle with sin and life struggles. The truth of God’s word truly is the light for our path and the lamp to our feet as we walk through a world darkened and in confusion. Our view of God must align to who He is revealed to be in scripture. If we don’t know Him to be central, we will inevitably be challenged to understand the human condition. Understanding sin, Christ and faith in Him helps us know what’s wrong in us and what’s wrong in the world. It also helps us know what is good in and around us. Being involved in ministry for any amount of time, it becomes evident that mankind has a serious heart problem. Heart related problems are dangerous physically but even more so spiritually. As we learn in scripture, “The heart is more deceitful than all else, And is desperately sick; Who can know it? “I, Yahweh, search the heart; I test the inmost being, Even to give to each man according to his ways, According to the fruit of his deeds.”

Jeremiah 17:9-10 LSB

Kalinga House: The last document we were waiting for is now in hand! After years and years of praying, God has in His perfect time made way for us to start a Children’s Home!

The residential home is now licensed and registered to receive our first girl within this month ❤ We are thrilled to see how God has faithfully led and provided for this home to serve the vulnerable. We have 3 great social workers added to our team who love the Lord and ready to welcome in those God brings us.

Jenn and I are now living in the furnished children’s home and will be the interim house parents. We are working through the details and practices important to daily life and operations. Please be praying for all involved in this new ministry and for the operational support still needed to house and care for up to 10 girls.

Grateful in Christ,

Derek and Jenn

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