Mercy Ministry is ever changing. On a daily basis we encounter those who are very poor and their situation is compounded by dysfunction within their extended family. Seniors are often thrust into situations of providing for young grandchildren, while they themselves struggle to survive daily. As always a smile erupts as we talk to each person God brings out way. Wisdom is needed as we pray with them and decide how best to help them with their immediate needs. Our goal is to help them help empower them as they come into relationship with Jesus Christ and walk that out in their community.
Rommel is 11 months old. His mother Analyn is a housewife who does laundry for others and his father Roel is a skilled mason worker without consistent work. Rommel now has a beautiful smile. May he grow to honour the Lord for His goodness!
Thank God for His timing. Rommel’s operation was made available and the doctor’s fee was waived. Hope for the Island helped with the medication and family expenses while in the city for his surgery. May Rommel grow to honor the Lord for His goodness.
Amelito is 17 years old and was bitten by a dog. The local health unit had no rabies shot available. There are only two morning jeepney rides headed to the south of the island each day. It is a two-hour trip to get to where there is a good doctor and even then there is a limited supply of meds. The family was faced with hiring a local motorcycle to take them. Being poor can be very humbling. The family came to us asking for help to buy the necessary rabies shot. Amelito is now doing well.
Nanay Floring captures the heart of all who visit her. She has a beautiful smile and is one of the three special elderly women that we visit on a regular basis. She is a widow who is not being cared for by family. We normally give her 3 kilos of rice each week and a pack of dried vegetables that helps provide her with much needed nutrition. A
nd as per availability we also give her adult vitamins and clothes.
Nanay Teofista is lonely and is often unwell. Seniors are often alone when family leaves the island or does not take responsibility for their care. Every week we provide 3 kilos of rice as well as the healthy dried vegetable mix. As supplies allow we give her vitamins and second hand clothing.
For several months now, these children are being taken care of only by their paternal grandmother. Their father passed away this year and their mother left them with relatives.
The grandparents barely have enough to eat daily and to have children added makes it all the more difficult for them, the eldest child is actively participating in our youth group and discipleship group. The other siblings are active with our Kids ministry. We have been giving them 4 kilos of rice and a pack of vegetables per week. It is our desire to see those in need spiritually and physically fed.
Life is hard for this lady although she does has some family here. The hot sun makes her job of rock breaking a laborious task that many younger than her would find a huge challenge physically. This job provides enough for her to eat once a day. We visit her weekly and every two weeks give her 3 kilos of rice and the dried vegetable mix that can be used to make soup.
Life becomes more challenging for all during rainy season. Torrential rains and onshore winds hammer simple homes. Please pray for these seniors that God allows us to serve.
JoyJoy continues to make progress that does not make sense based on her past medical diagnosis. Healing continues to radiate in her. JoyJoy is mobile now and enjoys walking to church, visiting friends and coming to Hope for the Island! It was a blessing to put into her hands an MP3 that was donated so she could listen to sermons and worship music. Pray for her continued health and for God to use her to encourage others who face what seem to be hopeless situations! There is hope in Jesus!!
See previous JoyJoy posts
September 2014 December 2013 September 2013 June 2013