From Derek: Thank you all for keeping the Philippines in prayer with the latest super typhoon hitting our shores! We have learned our lesson to prepare for the worst because these weather systems can shift unexpectedly. Thankfully we did not encounter any damage at Hope for the Island because we are just south of where […]

For many weeks now, our staff have been unable to travel to remote areas because of the weather. This hindered our essential weekly follow up visits to the malnourished children we feed. Thankfully we were able to provide ample food to them before the storms rolled in. During our latest visit we were saddened to […]
With over a week of no communication, we here in Canada suspected that yet another storm had hit Hope for the Island. We received this update from Derek. Although not getting the international media attention of a super typhoon, we just experienced more than three weeks of very strong winds and non- stop torrential […]
We ask you to continue to remember those in the Philippines who are trying to rebuild their lives. We are thankful we were able to serve them and share the gospel of Jesus Christ.
As many of you know, we in the Philippines have just endured one of the strongest typhoons to date. Typhoon Bopha (locally known as Pablo) was on track to wipe out our island. This category 4 typhoon came with 220+ km/hr. winds and rain with huge ocean surges.