Mercy Ministry

Update Typhoon Outreach

When we allow God to burden our hearts and obey what matters most to Him, it seems as though our fast forward life slows to a pace where everything comes into perspective. It becomes very clear that we are in His presence and fulfilling the very thing we were created for. Although we minister week […]

We Are On Our Way

Our planned outreach to typhoon affected areas was delayed two days, due to yet another typhoon. “Quinta” hammered us on Christmas day. Although it was not as destructive and strong as “Bopha” that wreaked havoc in Mindanao, we in Siargao got hit harder. The eye was closer and north of us so the winds came […]

Seeking Help

At 10 o’clock one morning a motorcycle pulled onto the Hope property. A middle aged man and his nephew got off. The man used a simple walking stick. Both were seeking medical assistance for something called Hubag. It is an infectious boil that is common in the tropics. Christina pulled out the first aid supplies […]

A Dear Friend We Miss

The Bible clearly states… “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this:  to look after orphans and widows in their distress.” James 1:27 This scripture has been our guiding principle to minister through God’s Word in accordance with the leading of the Holy Spirit.