Kid’s Ministry

A Child’s Prayer Request

Every year it is a heartbreaking reality that those families we minister to may experience the death of a loved one. It can be due to a variety of illnesses or diseases. One particular girl named Indy in Kid’s Ministry asked for prayer for her mother Narda. One of our Hope for the Island staff […]

Kid’s Ministry Moments

The Testimony of a Child    God is good in the lives of the children in the area I visited in our neighbouring village of Burgos.  They are always eager to learn more.  Sometimes they feel bad if they cannot answer some of the questions during Bible study.  They really have a heart to learn more […]

Island Entertainment

In the small neighboring town of Burgos, video games, iPads and Toys R Us are non-existent.  Children simply play with what surrounds them. They are taught at an early age to become resourceful. This is a very valuable skill to have living on a remote island.