
Hope January 2023 News Letter

Hey guys, thanks for patiently waiting on news from Philippines 🙂

It was surreal making our way through Ninoy Aquino International Airport in Manila. We finally made it home to the Philippines after 3 long years! God graciously led us through immigration with no restrictions on our entry despite all the policies and warnings that we are not allowed to stay longer than a month.

From Manila we flew to Cagayan de Oro city. We were able to catch up with long time friends and there picked up a reconditioned KIA bonggo truck. This truck came in as a donation for Hope for the Island. We also loaded 2 refrigerators that were donated and made the 10 hr drive north to Surigao City.

The ministry has been without a vehicle and refrigeration since the devastating typhoon a year ago. We stayed overnight in Surigao to buy all the ministry supplies and gifts for Hope for the Island Christmas parties. At 3 am we drove the truck onto the barge bound for Siargao Island. It was incredible watching the sun rise as we passed the many beautiful islands along the way.

Jing who has been leader in charge at HOPE went to Surigao to meet and travel back with us. On that 4 hr. trip Jing was able to share her heart, struggles and victories in life and ministry. We were surprised to meet a Filipino couple raised in Siargao that have been living for the past 15 years in Surrey, BC. The husband Pastors a church there. Our conversation started when they approached us to share the gospel 🙂 We quickly became friends. They visited us and the ministry a couple days later with their relatives. Thankful for that special connection and other ones like it since arriving. New opportunities to network and serve together in the future.

In Siargao Island the effects of the typhoon are still quite evident even a year later. The landscape has changed dramatically and people are still recovering from the extensive damages and emotional trauma. Driving through the towns on our way up to Burgos, people were surprised to see our family after us being away so long. As is custom they yelled our names welcoming us home. We too were warmly welcomed by our Hope for the Island family who had a spread of Filipino delights waiting for us. It has been incredible spending time with them and the locals on island hearing of their stories. They have endured a lot and appreciated being able to share and be encouraged in the Lord.

Over Christmas we were overwhelmed by a tropical storm that brought with it torrential rains and high velocity winds. We spent many days including 24th and 25th mopping our flooded house all day and night. Rain was coming in faster that we could clean in up. Thankful for a break in weather, we were able to put on Christmas programs for the Widows and Kids Ministries. It was such a joy for me to see these kids truly worshiping God with all their heart.  They love the Lord and His word as a result of our team faithfully ministering week in and week out. I had opportunity to share Gods Word with the unsaved family members of our staff at a party we invited them to. After a follow up visit days later, some of those attending responded in repentance and faith!

A highlight for me was sharing at the local prison. This is a Hope for the island ministry that started years ago while we were out of the country. Our team goes in to share regularly along with Pastor friends in the area. It was my first time to visit and share God’s Word. It definitely won’t be my last! The inmates were incredibly responsive to the Word.  It was evident that past ministry amongst them has been fruitful. I trust many of them will find the freedom Christ came to proclaim and offer!

We have spent the last week discussing and praying with our leaders about ministry plans for 2023. In our next update we will highlight some of those details along with other exciting news for our family.

Please pray for us as we head back to Cagayan de Oro city January 2. We will have our hands full of challenging work. We will be working to recover all the important documents washed out by the tidal surges that came through during Typhoon Oddette. Many ministry requirements / submissions have also been on hold due to travel restrictions over Covid. It will be a joy however to connect with farmers in the area where we have developed relationship and ministered in the past.