
Covid Style Local Celebration

In Siargao Island our ministry team has made the most of every opportunity to visit and encourage people in the communities we serve. The continual lockdown orders hinder these important visits. Currently our team is on lockdown and only allowed to go out on visitation under a color-coded schedule. We are called to operate as God calls His body to, and this makes it very difficult.

Many people rely on the goods we deliver and the heart to heart discipleship ministry we provide. During the last lifting of restrictions, our Hope team was busy delivering relief goods and doing follow ups.  In a time of uncertainty and fear God calls us to trust in Him. We encourage those struggling to always look to the life-giving truth of God’s Word. Hope and peace will only be found in Jesus, especially so as the day of His return draws nearer. 

These are a few of the bags we bring on a weekly basis to the widows in our community. Rice is a staple that keeps many alive and just as important as water to many Siaragaonon locals. The best rice comes fresh from the farm. 

It’s amazing what a simple act of love can do to lift burdens and bring light to someone’s day. Our team blessed and celebrated with one of our dear widows on her birthday. The birthday snack is best enjoyed by putting noodles on a slice of bread along with freshly squeezed Kalamansi (a small local lime). They fold it up and enjoy with a glass of Coca-Cola like a local. It is important to enjoy with them what we agree may not be seen as a healthy choice. Happy Birthday Nanay! 

We cherish each moment when restrictions lift in Siargao Island. We continually look for creative ways to serve and minister in the face of ever-changing policies. Being open to the Spirit’s leading will be critical in the months ahead should things continue down the same trajectory.

Thank you to each of you who partner faithfully with us. Let us continue to stand together in prayer and obedience as we fix our eyes on Jesus – the author and finisher of our faith! Let us run with endurance the race set out for those who call on His name.