Year: 2018

Hope for the Island October Weekly Snapshots- Part 1

From Derek: Mid September presentations in Winnipeg were a great opportunity to share of God’s goodness and unpack as many Philippines / Borneo mission trip stories as time allowed. It was an action packed trip from start to finish with near missed landslides, hostile immigration interrogations, dangerous bites, new tasty exotic jungle foods and a […]

Oh Canada!!!

Our time in Canada has been nothing short of amazing and yet surreal at the same time. Kelowna has been the perfect landing place for us to get our bearings as we transition into a new world. I say perfect not for reasons most think of when they hear of the beauty and recreation this […]

Widow’s Ministry

The number of widows we minister to each week continues to grow. The last few months, many elderly have become widows due to horrible weather and compromised immune systems. Difficult manual labor is the only way for them to survive. Sadly they do not take the rest needed, nor eat enough under such circumstances. This […]

Health Restoration Program

From Derek: Let me introduce to you some special people who are a big part of our lives at Hope for the Island!! These precious children are at differing stages in our Health Restoration Program for severely malnourished kids. Whenever we encounter hungry children in dire need, we start the process of working with the […]

Hope Scholars’ First Semester

Hope Scholars’ first semester was a great success! It’s rewarding to see the program running smooth and bearing even more fruit! Extra time is now being dedicated to regularly visiting each student’s home. This allows us opportunity to walk alongside and disciple the scholars and minister to their family. Because of the strong winds and heavy rain over this season, many students struggle with illness.  On […]