Year: 2014

Typhoon Consequences

For many weeks now, our staff have been unable to travel to remote areas because of the weather. This hindered our essential weekly follow up visits to the malnourished children we feed. Thankfully we were able to provide ample food to them before the storms rolled in. During our latest visit we were saddened to […]

Take A Look

In the summer of 2013 Derek, Jenn, Makana & Brison were in North America to share the vision of Hope for the Island. A major focus of the trip was to raise funds for a new Mission House. Our old building needed to be demolished. Since returning to the Philippines, construction has begun on the […]

The Van Ryckeghem Family Update

From Elaine Van Ryckeghem So many of you faithfully prayed, called, donated funds and encouraged us as a family and ministry during this time. Thank you!! On Sunday our church family anointed and prayed over Brian & I on behalf of Derek, Jenn, Makana & Brison. If we looked at the circumstances as is human […]

Once Again

  With over a week of no communication, we here in Canada suspected that yet another storm had hit Hope for the Island. We received this update from Derek. Although not getting the international media attention of a super typhoon, we just experienced more than three weeks of very strong winds and non- stop torrential […]

Youth Ministry

Hope for the Island celebrated Christmas with 87 youth who faithfully attend our weekly ministry.  They really look forward to having a Christmas party, getting all dressed up, dances and dramas, eating good food and most of all having good fun.  They convinced Kuya (older brother) Derek to play the part of baby Jesus. It […]