Year: 2014

Once Again I Need Your Prayers

Once again I am dealing with an infection following a scrape on my leg. I was admitted to a hospital in Cebu. My leg is swollen and the redness has moved from the wound down to my ankle. I was put on two different IV antibiotics that seemed to have no effect and am waiting […]

Bailan Outreach

Bailan is a small barangay (village) in the northern part of Siargao Island. We have never done an outreach there and were so excited to work with the local government in the area. The day was SO intensely hot. As soon as we arrived there was not time to rest, we unloaded eleven bulging door-to-door […]

Fruit Of Our Labour

We are experiencing the busiest time of year! This is the hottest season but also a very productive season. The farmers labor every day in the intense heat to be sure we always have enough mulch available for the beds. It differs a lot from the season we came through with torrential rains and heavy […]

Who Are We

Each summer we take every opportunity to share God’s love with our local youth. A YWAM team from Australia joined us in ministering to 120 youth during a three-day Youth Camp at Hope for the Island. The intense heat did not slow them down. Young people participated during the day and then spent the night […]

Vacation Bible School

Filipinos love fiestas. It is a special time with friends, a time for fellowship, food and lots of activities. Villagers will always return home even if they are living or working elsewhere. Each year brings numerous fiestas. Sometimes people are busy for weeks preparing for them. Those facing many problems in their day-to-day life set […]