Widow Care

widow care

Hopelessness, poverty and oppression can blind people to the reality described above in Jeremiah. Building relationship and establishing trust provides us opportunity to help guide people of all ages towards a loving and gracious God. When we minister to physical and emotional needs, we welcome and usher in the Holy Spirit to reveal man’s deeper need for a Healer, Deliverer and a Savior! Heart issues are only truly healed in this relationship.

As part of Mercy Ministry, we do provide various forms of aid for the vulnerable. This is crucial especially for children, widows and the elderly. Our goal is to help empower individuals and develop dignity. Handouts or charity can often only treat the symptoms without addressing the underlying problems.

Compassion and love in action through relief, rehabilitation and development / aid for emergency cases involving children / serving widows and elderly in need / community based water purification program / community health education program for sustainable and long term impact.
Relief or aid followed by rehabilitation and development can bring about long-term transformation