Borneo Ministry


Borneo is an outreach of Hope for the Island, Inc in Philippines. The first mission deep into the rain forest was back in 2017. The Van Ryckeghem family had quite the moving experience and responded to the Penan’s invitation to return a few months later.  Currently 3-4 trips into Borneo happen throughout the year. As a pioneering work, ministry continues to evolve as relationships develop and God’s word takes hold.  Hope for the Island is focused on supporting the Penan on their journey towards cultural resilience. The Penan who have faith in Christ have faced deep trauma in the long standing losing battle of their forest home being logged.  Less obvious, but equal in devastation is the dramatic cultural shift that came with settled living. Healing and restoration is what we are feeling led to pray for and to be speaking over the Penan.  We stand in faith according to the truth of God’s word!  Recent research conducted by Cornell University within a nearby Penan villages has confirmed what God has been stirring by revealing core cultural values critical to Penan identity and well being. These uncovered principles align beautifully to God’s call for those who follow Him. It’s a call to return to place of unity that is expressed in loving care and protection for creation (one another / the forest and all life within). Hope for the Island is committed to encourage and walk alongside our Penan brothers and sisters on this journey towards restoration! Pray with us for God’s good purposes for the Penan and the rainforest to be redeemed. Mission teams interested in visiting and serving amongst the Penan please contact Derek at:

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